Tag Archives: Anti Bacterial

National Hand Washing Awareness Month!

It comes as no surprise that the beginning of Flu season is the beginning of National Hand Washing Awareness Month. Each day our hands com into contact with multiple microorganisms. They could be anywhere,  including the railing of a staircase, keyboard or phone. All of these daily occurrences can put us at risk for germs and bacteria that could potentially make us sick. This is why hand washing is very important. Follow these suggestions to protect yourself from potential illnesses.

When to wash your hands: (According to the CDC)
-Before, during, and after preparing food
-Before eating food
-Before and after caring for someone who is sick
-Before and after treating a cut or wound
-After using toilet
-After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
-After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
-After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
-After touching garbage

How to wash your hands:

handwashing picture


What to do when you are not able to wash your hands:
The CDC says that soap and water is the best way to wash your hands but if it is not available then you should always carry a bottle of hand sanitizer that is made up of at least 60% alcohol.
